If you are having an emergency, call from landline: 911 from cell - police: 510.777.3211 from cell - fire/medical: 510.444.1616 For other numbers and information, see the Emergency Numbers page.
- 1411 East 31st Street, Oakland, California 94602
- Main: 510.437.4800
- Emergency: 510.437.4559
Highland Hospital is the main county hospital and trauma center for Oakland, California. They provide emergency services, same day appointments,...
Highland Hospital opened its doors in 1927 with the mission to improve the health of all county residents regardless of ability to pay. Located on a hilly 16 acre site, 3 miles south of downtown Oakland, the original hospital, with its Spanish baroque architecture, promised “progressive medical care in comfortable surroundings.”
Today, Alameda Health System (AHS) consists of five campuses, Highland Campus with its 236 bed inpatient hospital, a 159 bed Fairmont Rehabilitation Hospital, and the 80 bed John George Psychiatric Hospital, San Leandro Hospital and Alameda Hospital; and four Wellness Community Clinics. AHS is home to residencies in Emergency Medicine, Surgery, Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery and Internal Medicine. It is the designated Trauma II center for northern Alameda County (Oakland) and the county EMS base station. 1
Highland Hospital is the subject of a movie, the Waiting Room, worth watching for Oakland residents. It's currently streaming on some online service- Amazon or Netflix.
Alameda County's Acute Tower Replacement (ATR) Project is a construction project that will rebuild the Highland Hospital acute care tower, which will be operated by Alameda Health System. It is crucial for providing continued healthcare services to the people of Alameda County. When completed in 2017, the project will bring Highland Hospital into compliance with the State of California’s strict seismic safety laws. The ATR Project promises to carry on Highland Hospital's proud traditions and build on its strengths far into the future.
Highland Hospital opened in 1927. The original Spanish baroque style building was designed by Henry Meyers, who also designed the Veterans' Memorial Building and the entrances to the Posey Tube. The grounds were designed by Howard Gilkey, best remembered for designing the Cleveland Cascade.
The hospital came about because a citizens advisory commission developed a countywide plan for health care and facilities.
Links and References
Spending time with The Waiting Room, a documentary on Oakland's Highland Hospital Oakland North
'The Waiting Room,' About Highland Hospital, by Peter Nicks The New York Times
Behind the scenes look at Oakland's Highland Hospital trauma
At the Forefront of America's Health Care Battle: "The Waiting Room" Mother Jones
New Highland Hospital Completed Oakland Tribune October 24, 1926
Construction Photos ( March 2013 )
taken by Himy