<--back to Oakland Wiki retreat
Xander, Dennis, Mike, Marina, Ivan, Mark, Lauren, Diana, Vicky, Julio, Philip
- Event Ideas
- Project Management
- Oral Histories
- Oakland Local
- Licensing/Copyright
- Style Guide, Taxonomy
- Community Outreach, User Research
Follow-up next meeting
- Vicky: Follow-up with emails to people who agreed to take actions
- Mark/Ivan: Project Management software review (Thursday 3/28)
- Marina: Update on Oakland Local status (Thursday 3/28)
- Mark/Lauren will investigate what local government documents are in the public domain? and something about the Sunshine Act? and about the Freedom of Information act?
- Ivan: MLK Cafe event
- Vicky: Techliminal event
- Dennis: Peralta Hancienda event (Thursday 3/28)
- Vicky: Bikeabout
Event Ideas
We want more people to take the lead in organizing events.
- MLK Cafe event: Ethiopian/Eritrean community--Ivan
- TechLiminal has expressed interest in hosting an Oakland Wiki event with their clients.
- Peralta Hacienda: willing to host an editing event, what date works for them? Wednesday- Saturday, find a day... Due Thursday
- Future Bikeabout: Post articles from Oakland Wiki and post them on the physical place/thing and ALSO filling in gaps with photos and information.
- Future Events: This is a page we started to add in event ideas.
Project Management software
Events falling through the cracks
- Red Mine
- Base Camp
- Trello
- AnyDo
- Mark and Ivan will form a committee and decide on a go forward plan by Thursday 28 March.
Oakland Local
Status from Marina
- We can all set up user accounts, then they can elevate status to "blogger"
- Questions on editorial power of OL staff and Copyright needs to be clarified
How frequent are specific themes? For example, weekly column on history?
- Ivan: This week in Oakland Wiki
- Did you know? E.g. Did you know Idora Park exists?
- Featured Neighborhood
- Fetured contributor
Read and contribute to
- Oakland Local Column Ideas
- Marina is point person, meeting with Oakland Local people this week
- Timeline, ..... no due date yet, but more information on Thursday
- Article is critical of somebody... and has a photo of them
- Mark: DMCA agent prevents a person from getting sued for take downs, and prevents site from being taken offline
- Vicky: Register with the Library of Congress for a DMCA Agent
- Due Thursday
What is Copyright?
- Copyright is legal protection on creation of content, not stuff (patents)
- If you have copyright, you can decide how that content is used
License is the way in which the content can be used:
- All rights reserved is common, almost everything before 2000s
- Creative Commons provides many other licensing types, and you can mix them e.g. Attribution and NC
- Public Domain has the most openness, the owner does not retain any rights.
- Marina: What is in the public domain?
- Mark/Lauren will investigate what local government documents are in the public domain? and something about the Sunshine Act? and about the Freedom of Information act?
How can Oakland Wiki contents be used?
- Oakland Wiki is licensed under CC-BY: attribute as "Oakland Wiki" or specific user (e.g. GreenKozi). Doesn't have to be linked
- All content can be used anywhere with simple attribution
- Someone: Create a tag that someone can easily copy
What content can we post on Oakland Wiki?
- Only content with compatible license: ONLY CC-BY and Public Domain
- Lauren: This needs to be made more explicit and explained more clearly
- Marina: Add to copyright page: Cannot host a photo that is copyright
Style discussion
What about attribution, writing style, citing sources?
- There are differences of opinions on how to cite opinions, sources, etc, or whether those things MUST be cited at all.
- Discussion will continue in the Style Guide
User Research/Community Outreach
Questions to consider:
- What is a typical user? What is the use case?
- How do we include all voices?
- What is the value of this website (OW)?
- Why do we decide to spend time here?
- Linking pages to specific events
- Resources from and for the community
- How do we present it to new people?
- Show them the Front Page and observe what they gravitate to
- Murals project has been cited, who are they? not artist, but tourists?
- Oakland Local cited African American History Month Events
- Public Safety issues, officers, potential contentious issue, but also community to reach out to
- Marina: Editor or Oakland Local (Eric K Arnold?)
- Lauren: Murals Mole
Other Notes
Xander: Bee Keeping