The City is thinking about expanding parklets! Get involved!
On Friday, September 19, the City of Oakland issued a Notice of Parklet Opportunity (NPO) to bring additional parklets to Oakland’s various commercial corridors. Parklets are the latest trend to improve an area’s pedestrian friendliness by creating publicly accessible spaces to sit and interact. This round of proposals, announced on PARK(ing) Day, follows the initial launch of the pilot program in September 2011 and will result in up to 15 parklets being selected from all complete submissions received by November 17, 2014.
The parklets will be publicly accessible space for the enjoyment and use of all Oakland citizens in the public right-of-way, but will be privately constructed and maintained. This extension to the Parklet Pilot Program will allow for additional parklets and further program refinement. During the first phase of the pilot program, three parklets were completed Grand Avenue in front of Farley’s East (September 2012), 40th Street in front of Manifesto Bicycles (November 2012) and 25th Street in front of the 25th Street Collective (July 2014). One additional parklet at the intersection of Alcatraz and San Pablo Avenue near Actual Café has received final permit approval and construction is pending.
The City launched the pilot program in response to interest from the community, including Walk Oakland Bike Oakland. Specific design and placement guidelines will ensure safety while not impacting the street’s vehicular traffic flow, the area’s total quantity of parking spaces and parking revenue for the City of Oakland. Among other requirements, parklet permit holders will be required to carry liability insurance and provide daily maintenance. For complete details on the Parklet Pilot Program and to view and download the NPO, please visit An informational meeting for interested parties will be held in mid-October. Please check the website for exact date, time and location. To read the media release, please visit For additional information, please contact Laura Kaminski, Parklet Project Manager, at or (510) 238-6809.