Solomon King is an action spy film starring, directed, written and produced by Sal Watts, released in 1974. Much of the film is set and filmed in Oakland. The cast includes an appearance by pro baseball player Tito Fuentes, then playing for the SF Giants.
The film premiered at the Paramount Theatre. 1 It was re-released c.1979 as Black Agent Lucky King.
Working with Sal's widow, Belinda Burton-Watts, Deaf Crocodile Films is digitally restoring the film. Burton-Watts proudly notes that "there's not a pimp or drug dealer in the whole film." 2
Sites in Oakland that appear in the film include:
- Hotel Touraine
- First Unitarian Church
- Happy Liquors (building kittycorner from First Unitarian Church, demolished for I-980)
- Jack London Square
- Park Bellevue Tower
- Della's Tea Cup Cafe
- 10340 Greenview Drive
There was also a record of the film soundtrack, by Sal/Wa Records, one of Watt's recording labels.
Trailer for restored version
Original trailer
Links and References
- Solomon King Cinema of Soul
- ‘Solomon King’ Trailer: Long Lost Blaxploitation Film Hits the Festival Circuit with New Restoration August 19, 2022
- Solomon King IMDb
- Solomon King AFI Catalog
- Oakland Screening Oakland Tribune September 13, 1974
- Restoring Sal Watts' Solomon King Kickstarter