Taqueria Los Comales is a taqueria in the Dimond District.  If you come around dinner-time, be prepared to wait in line with what is arguably the most representative cross-section of the Dimond neighborhood that you will find patronizing any business in the Dimond District. 
The question remains: why do people wait in line for this taqueria? It really isn't so fabulous- not nearly as good as Pizza Romano up the street if you need quick, cheap eats, and definitely not as good as the taco trucks a mile away in Fruitvale, no matter what the Yelp reviews say.  [ANSWER:  This is not food you drive across town for...as stated above it appears that most patrons are from the immediate neighborhood, and my sense is that most folks find it a convenient, reasonably tasty choice located close to home.]

2015 MacArthur Boulevard
