Every March is Women's History Month and Oakland joins in the celebration of the role of women in shaping local, national, and international history with many events throughout the month. More events have been compiled by historian Annalee Allen in the Mar. 10, 2013 issue of the Oakland Tribune.
To learn more about Oakland Women's History, check out the Oakland Wiki Women's History page!
2013 Events
Mary Ellen Pleasant, the "Mother of Human Rights in California"Summoning Ghosts: The Art of Hung Liu: Mar. 16-Jun. 30. Hung Liu is one of the major Chinese-American artists working in the US today. The Oakland Museum of California will have approximately 80 of the Oakland-based artist's paintings on exhibit until Jun. 30. More info: http://www.museumca.org/exhibit/summoning-ghosts-art-hung-liu. Standard cost of museum admission.
The Status of Women in the World: Mar 13, 6-7:30PM, Presented by the League of Women Voters of Oakland, includes a report on the UN Commission on Status of Women. Oakland City Hall, 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, Hearing Room 2. FREE. More info: www.lwvoakland.org or 834-7640.
Conversations with Julia Morgan: March 14, 1:30-2:30PM, Betty Marvin, planner with the City's Cultural Heritage Survey Project, portrays Oakland architect Julia Morgan and talks about the struggle to become an architect and her famous clients and friends including the Hearsts and Bernard Maybeck. There are many Julia Morgan buildings in Oakland, check out the full list. At the Oakland Museum of California (1000 Oak St.) FREE.
Mountain View Cemetery Women's Walking Tour: March 23, 10AM, Join docents Michael Colbruno and Jane Leroe for a tour famous women at Mountain View Cemetery. Julia Morgan, Delilah Beasley, Ina Coolbrith, Jane Sather, and Ida Jackson are just a few of the historic figures buried here. Don't know who they are? If you don't, take the tour and visit Michael's great blog. FREE.
Avotcja with Veronica Loving & JazzmineJackson: March 23, 6:30-8PM, Bay Area favorite Avotcja will read from and discuss her latest and great volume of poetry, “With Every Step I Take.” The mother/daughter team of Loving and Jackson will discuss their new book, “Feeding a Monster,” a revelatory and honest account of sexual abuse within their family. FREE. Marcus Books of Oakland, 3900 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way
2nd Annual Women's History Month Trivia Night: March 23, 6-9PMJoin the Oakland Peace Center (111 Fairmount Ave.) to recognize the contributions of women in art, science, politics, and other arenas. Put together a team of five for a night of trivia, food, and fun. $15. More info at http://womenstrivianight.tumblr.com/