You know we're in trouble when a simple description of the facts sounds like a complaint.
Bankers did perhaps 20 hours work setting up your mortgage. For that, they want you to pay a large fraction of your monthly paycheck for the rest of your life. An entire town could burn down, and it did, and they never give a nickel. An entire country can be in crisis, and it is, and the richest people in the world just don't care. Bankers operate by allowing no alternatives. They're a virtual monopoly. Each acting identically, just painting their sign a different colour. They're escalated house prices far beyond the reach of any possibility of paying it off. All of this is done by lies and trickery, complex language and one-way 'contracts'. They're draining you so much you can't buy groceries. Of course you have the right to shelter! You can't work, or live without it. That's what they're leveraging against you. 45 billion drained from the economy, from our lives, and they're the ones behind escalating prices for everything. We can't keep up with how much they want.
They are using your money without your permission. For every dollar you put in, they "loan" out 5, 10, 50, falsely created, on the sole hope that you'll keep working hard, buying into the lie. It's our money. Used against us. Used to buy out everything, then escalate prices, reduce quality, push down wages. Look at what happened to Greece. To Venezuela. Oil prices dropped. House prices dropped. People could not feed themselves. But the bankers refused to back down a penny. The kept claiming that the overpriced speculated value was real. You owe $300 000 for a house that two people could have built in a summer for $35 000. A completely falsified speculated value. Sure some people win in that game, but most lose. If you sell your house, you enter an escalated market where everything costs more.
Think about it. Money is an otherwise worthless printed note. Only your labour adds any real value to it. And that's what it's all about. A group of people who want you to work for them. They want you to work without a labour contract. They don't want to work at all. They just want money. Income without labour. And a lot of it. All those worthless loans they write, based on nothing but speculation, all that does is undermine the value of our currency. In that way, they harness the labour of our entire country. They call that fractional reserve banking. And now their model of infinite exponential growth is driving the whole planet to ruin. Your kids have no future because of these scoundrels, buying and trading our lives away. An entire generation is now trapped between low wages and high house prices, unable to gain even the slightest foothold in life, facing a grim future. We're all in permanent lifetime debt for essential human needs, a situation of statistical indentured servitude.
Now the whole country is in crisis, and the bankers are rubbing their hands together with glee. Now, they say, we can buy everything out for a song! Now, we'll get more people in debt than ever!. Now there is more debt in the world than can possible be paid off, even if each of us worked a century and we consumed 5 planets. All falsely created. If we could pay it off, they'd simply increase the rate. The fact is, now they're simply running a computer program. Not a complex program either, one that's simple to write and use. We should do that, knowing full well that the real economy, created by people who actually work for a living, is as solid as a field of wheat, as strong as the labour of our hands. They're the crooks, not you.
The real threat to our lives and world is from these blood sucking financial leaches, the income extremists who are draining us dry, who are know to drive war, who are known to bring entire countries to ruin, who are behind every big-money scam and ripoff scheme that make billions of dollars suddenly disappear overnight. But it's just math. Math we can easily handle ourselves. Kindly and fairly. Sensibly and honestly. With the utmost concern for the fate of our children if we do not handle things well. Our lives are at stake, and we know what to do. This is not about the banking system, it's about a few specific individuals simply taking your money for themselves. This is not about protest, it's about doing the work needed to write a better program for direct payment between individuals. Making a real competitive alternative based on realistic concern for people and the ecosystems that sustain our lives as the sole basis of our economy. It's about the future we want to write for our children. Are you in?
The Canadian dollar belongs to the Canadian people and must be used for our mutual benefit.