Green Bonds Parental Investment: Parents, you know the future your kids face. Already caught between low wages and high house prices. You know all the problems of life in Canada. You know how hard it is to be smart with money, and to spend it on things that build your life. Life is looking nasty out there. You can work for years and get nowhere.
Parents, you have the right to invest directly in the lives of your kids. Get them set up in life, with work that gives them life security. Land, for example. It’s a lot for one person, but as a group you can buy an acreage. A place to work with others, invent and make things, get ready to go to market. Camping, small cabins, water systems, farming. Write up a deal based on care for people and the ecosystems that sustain our lives. Use wood, but by with active forest management.
Suppose you can’t afford potatoes. Invest in a rototiller for your teen, write up a work and a labour-backed return-on-investment plan, and get set up to till ten backyards this summer. That’s a business plan. Loans up front for the tools. Work done, and waiting for the harvest to get paid. To fund that, write bonds. Labour-backed loans. Basically IOUs, to get potatoes a a good price per bag. You don’t need a company to do that. You just need a plan.
The fact is, we need to go green fast. Just like war bonds, Green Bonds may be the way to go. To make that easy, just join the Company of Canadians. People in the same company have the right to work together, share common buildings, offices and tools, and support each others’ projects. We have a full description, a plan to save your kids, a life security package, it’s limited profit, no one will get rich at the expense of another, and we reject all forms of income without labour. Join like a club, grow into a business. Run your own business with the business. Get the support you need.
Parents keep full oversight and involvement in their kids projects.
You’ll be in a company, gain skills, access tools and resources, and most of all, use your market force to save the planet. This is a full-rights democratic social enterprise. You don’t have to earn money, but you could. That’s what it’s about. A variety of ways to go green. Parents, write your own ‘green bonds’ for your teens business. Or go at it larger scale with Green Bonds in your Company of family and friends, the Company all Canadians can join. Look at the World Scientist’s Warning to Humanity as a list of new green sustainable businesses that must arise. Start one or get in on one today.