UC Youth: It’s your future. You deserve a say.
They say you can’t vote. But there’s nothing to stop you from defining the issues, running a pre-election, and voting on issues critical to your future. It’s your life, your future. Let the world know where you stand. You deserve a say.
Get your parents to help set up verified online voting. Write a Wiki to connect with others on the issues. Jimmy Wales over at Wikipedia cares. I asked him, and he said you can use his Wikimedia software free. It’s not that hard to do.
Get together with friends to take action on the issues. Why are politicians not fighting for you? If the government won’t defend kids, you have to defend yourself. You’ll get support from caring parents in the broader Union of Canadians. You have your own voice and we want to hear you, loud and clear. Find friends across the country and you’ve got a Union of Youth. We just call it UC Youth. $5 to join, just enough to cover expenses.
It’s like a club. Formed about what interests you. You define the issues. It is possible that we have no time left for protest, so write your own papers, work directly in things like bee and flower projects, planting, camping and trips, learning, buying land as a group at a low cost per person for permanent lifetime camping and protection of land.
It’s your future. You deserve a say.