Triangle Code for America

Triangle Code for America is a collection of three brigades in the Research Triangle Region, effectively forming a Code for America division. The municipalities that support the brigade program are Cary, Durham, and Raleigh.

Join the Google community for the regional, Triangle Code for America group:

Attend a future meet-up at a Triangle location near you:


Code for Raleigh

Code for Raleigh is Code for America brigade located in Raleigh, North Carolina. It's a volunteer group of civic geeks organizing civic innovation and technology as well as civic-minded community efforts in to advance the open government and open data movements. They support the LocalWiki Raleigh (formerly Triangle Wiki) community and annual CityCamp NC event (formerly CityCamp Raleigh). Code for Raleigh collaborates across the Triangle region with other brigades located in Cary, NC and Durham, NC.



The brigade captains are: Chad Foley, Jason Hibbets, Jason Horne, and Reid Serozi. They can be reached at


Code for Raleigh 2014 strategic plan

Code for Raleigh 2014 meeting notes


Monthly Code for Raleigh meetups

First Tuesdays of every month from 5:30-8:00 pm, 5:30-6:00 pm is for networking, the meet-up starts at 6:00 pm. Agenda and meeting place will be posted on

Code for Raleigh 2013 charter and meeting notes

The 2013 goals for Raleigh Code for America brigade is to establish a cadence for the group and maintain/enhance two civic applications: Triangle Wiki and Adopt-A-Shelter.


2013 goals/objectives and charter

Meeting notes and assets