The Turner House is an intact Neoclassical I-house in the African American community of Oberlin. The house was expanded by John T. Turner, Oberlin's major landowner, around 1900 from a three-room one-story house. While the I-house type is more often seen on agricultural landscapes, Oberlin was more rural in the late nineteenth century than it appears today. Turner, in fact, is listed as a farmer in Oberlin in the 1880 census. Private residence.

Photo by Michael Zirkle Photography 
© Raleigh Historic Development Commission



1002 Oberlin Road
ca. 1900
Neoclassical I-house


John T. Turner

Local/National Designations
Raleigh Historic Landmark
National Register of Historic Places


This entry is about Historic Resources in Raleigh. Initial information provided by the Raleigh Historic Development Commission. You can find more entries about Raleigh's historic resources here