I remember the street was targeted in the 2030 Comp Plan somewhere as a being "main pedestrian street". This is because West Jones Street is the only thru street that connects Glenwood South with the Capital District.
The intersection at West Jones Street and West Street is planned to be closed to vehicles when high speed rail comes through downtown Raleigh. A pedestrian bridge is planned.
518 West Cafe located at the corner of Glenwood Ave and Jones Street was one of the first restaurants in Glenwood South.
The Raleigh Electric Company Powerhouse, referred to as the "Powerhouse building" (shown in the Triangle Wiki Page photo) is a designated Raleigh Historic Landmark. The Building has more recently been used for restaurants, being home to Southend Brewery, then Prime Only Steakhouse and Sushi Bar, and now Natty Greene's Brewpub.
West Jones Street runs adjacent to what is sometimes referred to as the "Museum District", where today the The Green Square Complex project is under construction.