
3725 Marysville Boulevard

8am to 5pm, M-F

(916) 286-8630; Fax (916) 286-8620

David B. DeLuz

The Greater Sacramento Urban League (GSUL), a traditionally African American organization, assists all people in achieving self-sufficiency and equality. It strives to accomplish its mission through direct service, advocacy and education, and collaborative partnerships. Its vision is: "Sacramento is a place where everyone is empowered through economic independence and people know we believe in their future."

It provides many job resources, often in the form of free workshops. See workshops provided by GSUL and other organizations on the job resources page. It also provides other services, including:

Its core values are:

  • Transparency: Keeping our constituents informed and providing access to information.
  • Justice: Commitment to the fair and moral treatment of all persons.
  • Stewardship: Fulfilling our obligation of building a better, stronger and more durable organization for future generations; protecting the brand; meeting our commitments to stakeholders; acting with an owner mentality.
  • Respect: Treating all persons with dignity; capitalizing on the wealth of viewpoints that reside in our multi-faceted community; all contributions are valued.
  • Respect: Fostering trust and honesty in our interactions; steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code

See also other local services & organizations.

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