Movies on a Big Screen (MOBS) takes place on Friday evenings. This popular on-going weekly film screening series/microcinema featuring independent films and documentaries began in 2006 in conjunction with the Fools Foundation art gallery. At the time of Fools Foundation's closure, MOBS was about to launch a search for additional venues for additional nights. The closure prompted an immediate quest for a replacement venue. This resulted in relocating to 600 4th St, West Sacramento, facilitated by Sacramento eco-urban developers LJ Urban. In April of 2009, MOBS arranged to begin showing films on Sunday evenings at the historic Guild Theater, located at 2828 35th St, Sacramento. When LJ Urban ceased operations, MOBS had to move out of the West Sacramento building. They are currently only on Sunday nights at The Guild.
Admission is usually $5.00 unless otherwise noted in advance. MOBS also offers occasional late night screenings, and sometimes film events on other days of the week. The schedule is available at the website and is usually listed on the Sac Wiki Events Board
Digital projection on to a big screen.