Mission Statement
The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) is a membership–based, IRS–approved 501 (c) (3) non–profit research and educational organization. Our mission is to develop psychedelics and marijuana into legal prescription medicines, to build a network of psychedelic psychotherapy clinics around the world, and to educate the public honestly about the benefits and risks of psychedelics and marijuana.
1215 Mission St, Santa Cruz, CA, 95060
Monday-Friday 10am-4pm (Walk-Ins Welcome 11am-3pm) or Call for an Appointment
(831) 429-MDMA(6362)




MAPS on Tribe.net
Executive Director
Rick Doblin, Ph.D., MAPS President
Rick Doblin
Tax ID
(Please fill in FEIN or Tax ID, if known)

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MAPS furthers its mission by:

  • Developing psychedelics and marijuana into prescription medicines
  • Training therapists and working to establish a network of treatment centers
  • Supporting scientific research into spirituality, creativity, and neuroscience
  • Educating the public honestly about the risks and benefits of psychedelics and marijuana.

MAPS envisions a world where psychedelics and marijuana are safely and legally available for beneficial uses, and where research is governed by rigorous scientific evaluation of their risks and benefits.

Our Values:

  • Transparency — Information is shared openly and clearly. Communications are respectful, honest, and forthright.
  • Passion and Perseverance — We persist in the face of challenges. We have a sense of urgency about our work, and know that it's a long-term effort.
  • Intelligent Risk — Our decisions are informed by research. We try new things and learn from our mistakes.
  • Trust and Accountability — We value integrity and honesty, and embrace high standards.

MAPS relies on the generosity of individual donors to achieve our mission. Now that research into the beneficial potential of psychedelics is again being conducted under federal guidelines, the challenge has become one of funding. No funding is currently available for this research from governments, pharmaceutical companies, or major foundations. That means that the future of psychedelic and marijuana research is in the hands of individual donors. Please consider making a donation today.

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