Location Address Store Hours Pharmacy Hours Phone Number Other Information
Aptos 80 Rancho Del Mar, Aptos, CA  95003-3901 8 am - 10 pm Mon-Fri: 9 am - 9 pm; Sat: 9 am - 6 pm; Sun: 10 am - 6 pm (831) 688-6417 GNC wellness products.
Capitola 1475 41st Avenue, Capitola, CA  95010-2908 8 am - 10 pm Mon-Fri: 9 am - 9 pm; Sat: 9 am - 6 pm; Sun: 10 am - 6 pm (831) 476-7282 x
Santa Cruz 901 Soquel Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA  95062-2122 8 am - 10 pm Mon-Fri: 8 am - 9 pm; Sat: 9 am - 6 pm; Sun: 10 am - 6 pm (831) 426-4303 x
Freedom 1988 Freedom Boulevard, Freedom, CA  95019-2837 Mon-Fri: 7 am - Midnight; Sat-Sun: 8 am - 10 pm Mon-Fri: 7 am - Midnight; Sat: 9 am - 6 pm; Sun: 10 am - 6 pm (831) 724-5104 x
Felton 6123 Highway 9, Felton, CA  95018-9701 8 am - 10 pm Mon-Fri: 9 am - 9 pm; Sat: 9 am - 6 pm; Sun: 10 am - 6 pm (831) 335-7252 GNC wellness products.


(owner(s) name here).
Payment Method
Cash, credit cards, other.

Rite Aid came to Santa Cruz County by buying the stores of Thrifty Drug in 1996.

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