On East Beach Street near the Henry Mello Center is a war memorial for soldiers who died in war.
Specifically those who were students at Watsonville High School. (Formerly named "Watsonville Union High School.")  The names are listed on the plaques.

The names on the plaque for World War I

Joseph Rebeiro
Lester Rowe
Reuben Silva
William Sullivan

Names on the plaque for World War II
Peter Dugger
William John Crosettii
Hugert Curtis Jackson
Vernon Baker  
Charlie Ojeda
Alfred Raymond Moore
Clarence A Ray
Edward Darrell Pethis
Lloyd Benson
Carroll Sandholt
Sam Wong
William Joseph Bottero
John Chester Conley
George Dewey Kellog Jr.
James Howard Hart
Arthur Hames Earl
Boyd Friis
Carl Newton Riggs
Troy Vernon DeMoss
John Anthony Bobeda
Henry Izumizaki
Julio Nevares Zepeda
Dan Schiavon
Espiridion Bernido
Robert A. Knox
Frank Joseph Jurach
Cecil O. Fry
David Berenard McQuillen
Leroy Wayne Gillman
Albert Ernest Bode Jr.
Stanley Secondo
Harvey Larsen
Serrafine Corrales
Eugene Edward McGrath
Vernon Huntsman
Jack Brink
Richard Lewis Harris
Paul D. Compton
Ed Lettunich
Vincent Peter Spikula
Ernest Julius Novak
Raymond Woodrow Davis
Paul Horuchi
John William Crowe Jr.
Mahlon Alden Marshall
Victor L. Gosney
Jack E. Kirby
Robert Jay Wilson
Desmond "Stony" Spooner
William Richard Burns
Joseph Cowels Marsh
Mark R. Graves
Fredrick Theodore Flodberg
Harry Madokoro

Kenneth Lapham
Richard Kirby
Salvatore Campagna
Delford Luis Hamrick
William Ernest Kellogg
William Michael Weeks
Earl Leonard Velasco
Leo Edward Joseph Hoffman
Lester Cary Cloud
Vernon Ervin Trevethan
Joseph Hunter Heatwolfe
Robert Warren Struve
Joe Gillis
James Wilson Rickel Jr.

Names on the plaque for the Korea Conflict

George C. Ashton
Paul Kane
Karl Lewis Polifka
Ernest Bettencourt
Richard Boyd
Ernest Mathews
Marvin Stevens
Frank Gfroerer
Daniel Murphy
Roy Taylor
Harold Mignola


Watsonville High School