Ed Lee is the current mayor of San Francisco. He was chosen by Gavin Newsom to complete his term. Lee then won to become 43rd Mayor of San Francisco. He was elected using a modified Instant Runoff Voting system.
Tech industry
One of the major groups that put Ed Lee into office is the tech industry: "Lee was helped along by independent committees like San Franciscans for Jobs and Good Government, a group funded by Ron Conway and Sean Parker. In one quarter alone, they raised $364,000, half from Conway and $100,000 from Parker." [Valleywag] Here's more from Conway and Lee!
Lee supports the tech boom (you could call him "the tech industry's mayor") and sees it as a positive for the city.
Housing affordability
Lee supports housing affordability measures - his exact goal is "to get 30,000 housing units built or rehabilitated within the next six years" [source] - but the way to get there and his positions on different housing affordability measures varies.
News & more
- On Wikipedia
- 2013-09-10: "Ed Lee praises San Francisco's tech boom amid talk of culture clash" SF Examiner
- 2014-01-30: "The Mayor of Resentment City" Time
- 2014-02-28: "A Mayor in the Middle of Two San Franciscos" NYTimes