San Francisco is a great place to develop a newspaper-reading habit. As a densely populated, politically aware, relatively commute-friendly city, San Francisco has been able to provide enough readership to support several newspapers. Some are local, some aren't.

Daily Newspapers

San Francisco Chronicle - major newspaper, headquartered near downtown. You can buy it for half-price from vendors in most BART stations.

San Francisco Examiner - free newspaper, the SF Chronicle's closest local competitor. Too thin, but it's good if you want to keep up to date without buying.

The Independent - free newspaper, rarer. Very similar content to the Examiner. It even runs Examiner ads sometimes (that's kind of shady, isn't it?)

Alternative Weekly Newspapers

SF Weekly

SF Bay Guardian

East Bay Express - can only be found around the financial district and Embarcadero (i.e. where people might take BART to the East Bay)



The Onion - the nation's parody newspaper came to San Francisco in 2005