Location: GYM 2nd Floor

Hours: (Virtually) Monday through Friday, 9AM to 5PM

Phone: 415-338-3320

Fax: 415-338-6760

Our Mission:

The Gator Academic Resource Center is committed to the success and prosperity of all SFSU student athletes. This has translated into amazing results. During the 2019-2020 school year, 84 SFSU student athletes received CCAA All-Academic rewards and 50 received Academic Achievement Awards from the Division II Athletic Directors Association. Within the program, student athletes can find an array of resources that foster their physical, intellectual, social, and emotional well being. The SFSU athletic advising center is unique as it offers holistic services to better suit each student's specific needs. These include: 

  • A quiet study area
  • A student athlete designated computer lab
  • Mandatory one-on-one general education advising
  • Personal and/or career counseling
  • Tutoring, and priority registration for currently active athletes. 

Academic Staff

Academic Coordinator - Paula Hsieh / phsieh@sfsu.edu

Academic Counselor Intern- Norma Guideo/ nguido@mail.sfsu.edu

Academic Counselor Intern- Brenda Gonzalez/ bgonzal1@mail.sfsu.edu 

Academic Office Student Assistant- Tiffany Young- / tmyoung@mail.sfsu.edu

Other Useful Links

·         MySFSU  Add and drop classes, print class schedules/DARs, check enrollment

·         Online Class Schedule

·         Testing Center  ELM/EPT, JEPET, CHEM Test, ISYS 263 Waiver and other testing items

·         Current SFSU Bulletin/Catalog

·         Campus Tutorial Services by Subject  Excellent link to see what tutorial services by subjects offered on campus

·         SFSU University Advising Center (UAC)

·         One Stop Student Services  Hours, Advising Center, Bursar/Cashier, College of Extended Learning, Financial Aid, Graduate Division, One Card, Registrar, Testing Center, Undergraduate Admission