Approximately 46% of San Francisco State University students are Low-Income. 64% of those students qualify and or are receiving Financial Aid. For students in need of assistance, housing, or additional resources, they are linked below. Resources include, emergency housing as well as shower help and additional information or resources used to help students find housing. 

Sources for Low-Income students offered and available through SF State and others for assistance and help:

What options are available for Low-Income Students for Housing?


Gator Crisis Housing


 Zen Den


Shower access at SF State


2-1-1 United Way Bay Area


Emergency Shelter


Episcopal Community Services- Problem Solving Services


Resources for Renting


Temporary Rentals 


Basic Needs Contact Information:

  • Email:
  • Telephone:
  • Location:
    • Village at Centennial Square
      750 Font Blvd., Suite 5000
      San Francisco, CA 94132
  • Virtual Office Hours:
    • Monday- Friday from 8:30 am- 4:30 pm
      Call: (415) 338-1203

All of these resources are available for students with Low-Income needs and help provide some security and assistance to those students.


"Financial Aid Statistics for San Francisco State University." US News. Accessed September 23, 2020.,the%20types%20of%20aid%20available.

"San Francisco State Demographics and Diversity." College Simply. Accessed September 23, 2024