- Student Life & Events Center
- 1 North State drive
- San Francisco, CA 94132
Office Hours (currently closed due to COVID-19)
- Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
- Email: activities@sfsu.edu
- Telephone: (415) 338-1111
The Annex(I) was finished with construction in 2014 and was originally used as a temporary library. More recently, it has been transformed into the Student Life Events Center, an outlet for campus activities and events focused around the students and their needs. The increased residential housing of students on the SFSU campus created a need for more outlets for social gatherings and events that brought students together. This large scale building has 25,000 square feet of potential and is available to students and clubs as a venue for any activity that they feel will satisfy a student need on campus.
This could mean spirit or pep rallies, student band concerts, dances, fundraising events, movie nights, etc.
- https://activities.sfsu.edu/policies-event-planning-resources
- For help in providing disability access: https://access.sfsu.edu