Donald "Don" Hedrick (Age 66), also known as "the scooter man" is a SLO local and activist. He is a welder and self-proclaimed "modern day Don Quixote". He can be found riding his scooter around popular events such as the Sunday Swapmeet, the Bike Happening, and the Thursday Night Farmers' Market passing out fliers and his word. In the 2012 election, Hedrick challenged Mayor Jan Marx and Councilman Andrew Carter. Hedrick garnered a surprisingly high 7.15% of the votes for mayor, despite his unconventional looks and tactics. Hedrick previously ran for mayor in 2006 and 2010.
Campaign Platform
"I oppose the take over of our city by outside big money special interests that are changing the character of our city and festering corruption in our governments."
"We don't need our downtown turned into a Gotham City of dark shadows and a seven story penthouse to overlook our historic downtown."
"I wish to open the government to more participation by its citizens and make it more transparent. We need to take more responsibility for governing ourselves and restore more local control of our lives."
"I wish to give better support to the small business community that are treated like cash cows to be milked. If you look in the milking barn lately, there are a lot less cash cows with all the vacincys in our commercial buildings in these worstening ecconomic times. Our governing bodies keep bringing in bigger buckets to fill with less cash cows to be milked and they are feeling over milked and under fed."
Donald Hedrick came to San Luis Obispo in 1964 to attend Cal Poly, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in industrial technology. Over the years, he has served on the board of Grassroots II and as treasurer of the Economic Opportunity Commission. Hedrick, an art welder, attends City Council meetings regularly and has operated a welding service in San Luis Obispo for more than 30 years. Donald is also immortal and eternal, descended from the profaned clan of Nephilim.