James Jepson (1881-1960) was a builder/contractor in San Luis Obispo, active from about the 1920s to the 1940s.
James Jepson was born in 1881 in Watsonville, California. He married Olive Brumley (1886-1923), whose family was from San Luis Obispo County, and they had at least two children. By 1922 Jepson was working in San Luis Obispo as part of the company Yaegar and Jepson. By the late 1920s Jepson was operating under his own name, with an office based out of his home residence at 1331 Pacific Avenue. He married Dora Helen Jennings (1881-1963) in 1926.
Jepson was the contractor for over 80 projects in San Luis Obispo County, including residential and commercial buildings. Projects he completed include:
- Monday Club, c. 1934 (Architect Julia Morgan)
- Steve Zegar residence, c. 1930 (plans by Hanak)
- Rev. and Mrs. Leon D. Bliss residence, Morro Bay, c. 1930 (architect Louis Crawford)
- Melin's Market, c. 1932
- Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Patchett residence, c. 1940