Welcome to the Sydney LocalWiki!

A website about Sydney that anyone can edit

I want to make a page about

Welcome to LocalWiki Sydney!

 Sydney Harbour Bridge & Ferry 'Supply'We are just getting started but our aim is to create the ultimate Sydney Wiki  where you can share & learn anything and everything Sydney.  Our culture and tribes, quirky places, interesting and 'important' people, great things to do, politics, historic events or buildings and current issues occupying our consciousness.The site is currently very Eastern Beaches dominated but that's not the intent.  Rather it's just a reflection of the fact that some of the first people to add entries live in these areas and it's easiest to write about places & issues that are close to your heart or home. We want Sydney Wiki to be full of information every Sydney suburb; Penrith, Pittwater & Punchbowl and even those not starting with P. 

To have a look at what people have already added to Sydney Wiki click on All Pages to see the current list of entries and then add your own.  Just another weekday at Bondi

We need your help to make Sydney Wiki great

Over time we believe Sydney Wiki will become one of the most important open and collaborative sources of information for the people of Sydney, but we'll need your help to build it.

Before we publicly launch Sydney Wiki we'd like to have 1,000 pages of information on the wiki.  While this is a small amount relative to the treasure troves of information we'd like to offer on Sydney, it should be enough to glimpse of the what the wiki will become. 

Anyone can add something to the Sydney wiki or edit it

  Art on Bondi BoardwalkDon't worry if you only have a few sentences (or even words) to add about your favourite things or places.  You can always expand your entries later and other people will add or edit them over time.  You can add photos to your entry and if you entry has a location, don't forget to add it to the map. 

Let me know if you have any questions or queries and I'll try to answer them.  Email me at abc@everymap.com.au

How to add or edit pages

The local wiki has been designed to make adding content to the wiki as easy as possible but we've already had some feedback that instructions are needed on how to use this wiki so here's the steps on how to add or edit a page

  1. Search for the page you would like to add or edit by typing the title of the subject into the Search or create page box on the top right of the wiki.
  2. If that page already exists you will be taken to the page, then click on the Edit button and make the changes or additions to the page.  Then click on Save Changes.  You can also update or change the Map if you like.
  3. If the page you searched for does not exist you will be asked if you want to create a Page.  Click on the Create a Page button and then enter your text into the field below the heading.  When you are finished click on the Save Changes button. Please add a Map to your entry if your subject has a location.
  4. You are done!  It's that easy.

Adding a Map

Please add a Map if your entry has a location. 

When Adding a New Page

  1. When you add a new page you'll be asked if you want to add a Map.  Click on the link if you do. 
  2. Zoom in or out on the map to find the location you have referenced (using - and + keys)
  3. Once you have found the right location on the map, choose a tool.  The teardrop marker is for a specific location like a street address or building.  The second tool -dots & line but not filled-in- is for things like bikepaths, walkways and anything that's a line, rather than an enclosed area.  The three tool - dots & line filled in - is for locations like parks, suburbs and areas.  Basically anything bigger than a single address which has a contained boundary.
  4. We suggest you play around with the tools to start with to get a feel for how they work.  You can erase your marker or lines at any time but clicking on the 'eraser tool' (last tool). 
  5. Once you are happy with your map, just click on 'Save Changes', write a comment about what you've done and you're finished.

When editing a Page

  1. Same as above, except you may wish to erase the current markings on the map first, in which case, use the eraser tool then make your map.
  2. If you want to leave the current map but just add to it, leave the existing markings and then add your own.

If these instructions aren't detailed enough let me know and I'll expand them for you eg if you would like instructions on how to add to the Map or how to add Photos.

Adding & Editing Photos

Add some life & colour with photosPhotos bring Pages to life, so please add photos where you can.

Instructions to come...

Feedback & Improvements

The Sydney Wiki is still in development so if you encounter bugs or would like suggest improvements please let us know.  There is also a Sydney Wiki page.  All feedback will be greatly appreciated.


  • Check out All Pages for a list of all pages in the project.
  • The Map page displays an overview map of all pages with geographic data on the wiki!
  • Make a page for yourself!  We'll add an easier way to do this later, but for now just create a page called Users/yourusername and then add yourself to People!