- . (sf)
- 10k2 Plan (oakland)
- 350 8th Street (sf)
- 580 Hayes Street (sf)
- Allentown Tenant Association (lv)
- Alpha House (ann-arbor)
- Ann Arbor Housing Commission (ann-arbor)
- Apartment Buildings with Classy Names (islavista)
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- Apartments (aachen)
- Apartments in Ann Arbor (ann-arbor)
- Arrowwood Hills Cooperative (ann-arbor)
- Art and Community Development (cleveland)
- Auditorium Village Housing Project (oakland)
- Avalon Housing (ann-arbor)
- Bechtel Building (oakland)
- Border Lofts (oakland)
- Bradley House Apartments (tiburon)
- Building Projects (alameda)
- California Cotton Mills Studios (oakland)
- Campbell Village (oakland)
- Campus Realty (ann-arbor)
- Cathedral Building (oakland)
- Causa Justa-Just Cause (oakland)
- Cecilia Place (tiburon)
- Central Station development (oakland)
- Champaign-Urbana Tenant Union (cu)
- Chattanooga Housing Authority (cha)
- Clawson Elementary School (oakland)
- Code for Tulsa Project Ideas (tulsa)
- Cohousing (seattle)
- Community Action Committee of the Lehigh Valley (CACLV) (lv)
- Community of Urbana Cooperative Housing (cu)
- CurbedSF (sf)
- Cypress Village (oakland)
- Dale Newman (ann-arbor)
- Das Institut (islavista)
- Department of Building Inspection (sf)
- Domain (oakland)
- Dormitories (ann-arbor)
- East Bay Solidarity (oakland)
- Edison Elementary School (oakland)
- Elderwerks (arlington-heights)
- Empyrean Towers (oakland)
- Eucalyptus Curtain (islavista)
- evans manor (berkeley)
- Father Patrick Jackson House (ann-arbor)
- Finding Housing (sf)
- First Time Homebuyers (sf)
- Former Halfway House (islavista)
- Francis and Abbie Solon House (cu)
- Friendship Manor (islavista)
- Gator Crisis Housing (sfsu)
- Gentrification Protests (sf)
- Geodesic Dome House (islavista)
- Google Bus Protests (sf)
- Great Oak Cohousing (ann-arbor)
- Green Baxter Court (ann-arbor)
- Habitat for Humanity (ann-arbor)
- Habitat for Humanity (alamance)
- Habitat for Humanity Western Wayne County (canton)
- Harbor Homes Housing Project (oakland)
- Hilarita Apartments (tiburon)
- Hmong people (islavista)
- Homeplace Community Land Trust (ann-arbor)
- HomeShare (ann-arbor)
- Homestays (sfsu)
- Housing (menomonie)
- Housing (islavista)
- Housing (bonn)
- Housing and Human Services Advisory Board (ann-arbor)
- Housing Authority of Cook County (arlington-heights)
- Housing Authority of Fort Lauderdale (ftl)
- Housing Bureau for Seniors (ann-arbor)
- Housing Calendar (sfsu)
- Housing Policy (sf)
- ILHousingSearch.org (arlington-heights)
- Illinois Office of Public Housing (arlington-heights)
- Inclusionary Housing (sf)
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- JMS Properties (ann-arbor)
- Journeys from PADS to HOPE (arlington-heights)
- Learn about a particular property (sf)
- Low Income Housing (ann-arbor)
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- MacArthur Transit Village (oakland)
- Madison Park Apartments (oakland)
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- Mary Park Hall (sfsu)
- Mary Ward Hall (sfsu)
- Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development (sf)
- Midtown (tallahassee)
- Mobile home parks (ann-arbor)
- Mutual Creamery Building (oakland)
- NACA (detroit)
- Natural Builders Guild (lv)
- Oakland Rental Housing Crisis 2015-2016 (oakland)
- Oakland Tenants' Union (oakland)
- Office of Community Development (ann-arbor)
- Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure (sf)
- Pacific Renaissance Plaza (oakland)
- Packard Lofts (oakland)
- Parking Lot House (islavista)
- Peninsular Place (ann-arbor)
- Pescadero Lofts (islavista)
- Plaza 16 Coalition (sf)
- Posada De Colores (oakland)
- POWER NorthEast (lv)
- Public Housing (sf)
- Public Housing Waitlist Applications (arlington-heights)
- Rancho House (islavista)
- Rebuilding Together Oakland (oakland)
- Redlining (sf)
- Reduced-Rate Student Housing Program (sfsu)
- Religious Action for Affordable Housing (ann-arbor)
- Rental Subsidies and Services (sf)
- Rent Control (sf)
- Renting (ann-arbor)
- Researching Your House (cu)
- Right to Exist Curbside Community (oakland)
- Roundtable House (cu)
- Sacramento Area Emergency Housing Center (sac)
- Safe Harbor Easton (lv)
- San Francisco building boom (present) (sf)
- San Francisco Housing Crisis (sf)
- San Francisco Housing Market (sf)
- San Francisco Rental Market (sf)
- Santa Barbara Student Housing Co-op (islavista)
- Santa Catalina (Francisco Torres) (islavista)
- Scio Farms Estates (ann-arbor)
- Sears Roebuck Building (oakland)
- SF Bay Area Renters Federation (sf)
- SF Housing Authority (sf)
- SF Planning Department (sf)
- Shared Housing (oakland)
- Shelter, Inc. (arlington-heights)
- Smoke free housing law (oakland)
- Social Service for the Homeless (cu)
- South Bay Housing Solutions (sf)
- Squirrel City (505 S. Race St.) (cu)
- St. Joseph's Home for the Aged (oakland)
- St. Michael's University Church (islavista)
- Substandard Housing in North End (cu)
- Summer of Love Residences (sf)
- Terraza Palmera at St. Joseph's (oakland)
- The Center of Concern (arlington-heights)
- The City of Oakland Housing Element 2015 - 2023 (oakland)
- The Courtyards Student Apartments (ann-arbor)
- The Faux-Op (islavista)
- The Harbour, Inc. (arlington-heights)
- The Loop (islavista)
- The three houses at the end of Del Playa (islavista)
- The Vulcan (oakland)
- Things to know about Off-Campus Living (sfsu)
- Tiki House (islavista)
- Tipi Village (islavista)
- Treetop (cu)
- Tri-Cooperatives (davis)
- Tudor Hall Apartments (oakland)
- Urban Habitat (oakland)
- Users/jmaamo (main)
- Uwajimaya Village (seattle)
- Vara Apartments at 1600 15th Street (sf)
- Washtenaw Housing Alliance (ann-arbor)
- Waterfront Warehouse District (oakland)
- West Campus Green (sfsu)
- West CAP (menomonie)
- West Urbana Co-Ops (cu)
- What's wrong with my house? (oakland)
- Wheeling Township Senior/Disability Services (arlington-heights)
- Women in Need Growing Stronger (arlington-heights)
- Woodland Mews (ann-arbor)