- Ability Resource Center (oakland)
- Addiction (menomonie)
- Adler Mental Health Center (cu)
- Alameda County/Child and Youth Crisis Team (oakland)
- Alameda County/Eden Children's Services (oakland)
- Alameda County/Oakland Children's Services (oakland)
- Alcoholics Anonymous of Southeastern Michigan (canton)
- Ann Martin Children's Center (oakland)
- Arbor Place (menomonie)
- Ascension Illinois Center for Mental Health (arlington-heights)
- Asian Community Mental Health Services (ACMHS) (oakland)
- Asian Pacific Psychological Services (APPS) (oakland)
- Associates in Human Development Counseling, LLC (arlington-heights)
- Aurora Community Services (menomonie)
- Beats Rhymes and Life (oakland)
- Berkeley Free Clinic (oakland)
- Caillier Clinic (menomonie)
- Clinical Care Consultants (arlington-heights)
- Counseling and Mental Health Resources (woodland)
- David Clark, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #116003 (sac)
- Depressive Bipolar Support Alliance of Greater Chicago (arlington-heights)
- Dunn County Human Services-Behavioral Health (menomonie)
- Family Service Inc. (canton)
- FIRST STEP (canton)
- Growth Works Inc. Youth Assistance Program (canton)
- Health Promotion and Wellness (sfsu)
- Honoring Our Perseverance and Empowerment (oakland)
- How to Make an Appointment (sfsu)
- Icarus Project Support Group (oakland)
- John George Psychiatric Pavilion (oakland)
- Kenneth Young Center (arlington-heights)
- Lighthouse Emotional Wellness Center (arlington-heights)
- Mental Health (buffalo)
- Mental Health (menomonie)
- Mental Health (oakland)
- mental health in Hangzhou (hangzhou)
- Mind and Body Health Resources (sfsu)
- Monarch House (menomonie)
- NAMI (ann-arbor)
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)--Northwest Suburban (arlington-heights)
- Nicole Nemiroff Psychotherapy (santacruz)
- Northwest CASA (Center Against Sexual Assault) (arlington-heights)
- Northwest Community Hospital - Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services for Teens. (arlington-heights)
- Northwest Community Hospital - Mental Health Services for Adults (arlington-heights)
- Odyssey Psychotherapy and Counseling (davis)
- OMNI Youth Services - Arlington Heights-Program Office (arlington-heights)
- Paulette Niemiec, MA,LLPC Professional Counseling Services (canton)
- Professional Consultations (arlington-heights)
- Psychological Services (sfsu)
- Rad Brains (oakland)
- Ravinia Counseling Ltd (arlington-heights)
- Recovery International (arlington-heights)
- REM Group & Family Assoc., Ltd. (arlington-heights)
- Salvation Army Family and Community Counseling Center (arlington-heights)
- Services for Student Athlete's Mental Health (sfsu)
- Society for the Preservation of Human Dignity (arlington-heights)
- Support Groups (menomonie)
- Support Groups - Mental Health (cu)
- The Center for Emotional Wellness and Personal Development (arlington-heights)
- West Oakland Health Center (oakland)