Picture of the new building for the Islamic Centre of Markham Canada (ICMC) & Masjid Darul Iman

1330 Castlemore Avenue, Markham ON L6E 1A4
905-209-8200, info@daruliman.org
Mission Statement

Introducing the Islamic Centre of Markham Canada (ICMC) which will house a Masjid Darul Iman, an academic and Islamic school plus community services centre.

Help us transform this former GE building into a centre of excellence based on Faith, Education & Community Services.

Help us transform this building into a Masjid, Islamic & Academic School plus Community Services Centre.

The vision for the Islamic Centre of Markham Canada is rooted in time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to build a religiously vibrant, peaceful and tolerant organization to serve the community.

With the required renovations the building will house Masjid Darul Iman plus dawah centre for those wishing to learn about Islam.

The building will continue the evening madrassa program, establish a full-time Hifz program and courses for an Alim & Alimah program.

The building will function as an Islamic school & academic school based on the Ontario curriculum of 'Achieving Excellence.'

Plans include a world-class library, a youth centre, sports centre & activities for our elderly.

Help us build a vibrant Islamic institution to facilitate the principles of Faith, Education and Community Service in our family, social & civc lives.

After reading the mission and goal of the ICMC - let me ask you - what's your reason?

Is your reason to contribute to this project for Faith, Education or Community Service? 

One or all three? Please remember the authentic hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who said: "Whosoever builds a Masjid for Allah (SWT) - Allah (SWT) will build for him a house in paradise."

To donate online to the ICMC / Masjid Darul Iman - please visit our website: http://daruliman.org/

Google Map - to Masjid Darul Iman url http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=158+Anderson+Avenue,+markham,+On&sll=50.289339,-97.119141&sspn=25.167856,56.513672&ie=UTF8&ll=43.903706,-79.264491&spn=0.006911,0.013797&z=16&iwloc=A

Coordinates: 43°54'10"N 79°15'55"W

WikiMapia http://wikimapia.org/#lat=43.9028555&lon=-79.2653918&z=16&l=0&m=a&v=2&show=/12588521/Masjid-Darul-Iman-158-Anderson-Avenue-Markham-Ontario-phone-905-472-3314&search=masjid%20darul%20iman