Location |
409 Lincoln Street, Roseville, Ca 95678 |
Hours |
24 hours |
Phone |
Business (916) 788-1742 |
Dispatch (888) 781-7230, ext 0 |
Website |
http://www.patrolplus.com |
Established |
June 2003 |
Note: This business is not physically based in Vacaville, but does a significant amount of business in Davis, Vacaville, Woodland, Sacramento, and Roseville.
Patrol Plus offers a range of security services, including consulting, alarm monitoring, stationed guards, and mobile (car or bicycle) patrols. According to their website, the majority of their business is in the area of providing mobile patrols to apartment complexes.
Patrol Plus employees wear green pseudo-police uniforms with California Highway Patrol highway patrol-style trooper hats. They drive police-style Ford Crown Victorias and Chevy Impalas. However, their vehicles have yellow light-strobe bars, as opposed to the red and blue ones used by police.
Their employees identify by rank (such as Sgt., Lt., etc.) and carry firearms, tasers, batons, pepper spray, handcuffs, two-way radios, and other police paraphernalia, although they are not actual police officers. Their training includes 8 hours of orientation and 40 hours of on-the-job training, with an additional 8 hour refresher course each year and semi-annual firearms qualification.
See Security Services for other companies in the security business.
Apartment Complex Patrols
They generally cruise through the parking lot of each apartment complex around multiple times each night and respond to resident complaints. If needed, they will get out and tend to a situation.
- Having cars towed for lack of a parking permit - they partner with All About Towing. (Interestingly, according to CVC 22658, tow companies cannot enforce general parking on their own; they have to be authorized to tow a particular vehicle by an owner, resident, or agent - in this case the security company.)
- Kicking people out of the pool at closing time
- Distributing eviction or other notices
- Telling people to be quiet, not to drink in the parking lot, etc.
- General crime deterrence
- Inspection of Properties for Damage or Maintenance related issues. (Lights Out, Graffiti, Etc)
- Written documentation on problems, or concerns on the property.
- Breaking up large parties.