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Abbs, John
Adams, Jack
AINSLIE, EVERET Everett was the son of Andrew and Margaret (Stickland) Ainslie of Whitestone. He was born May ...
Ainslie, Everett
Alexander, Albert
Arthurs, James
Aukbrook, Darrell Wesley
Bain, Murray
Baldwin, Louis
Barnes, Wilfred Henry
BARTON, PTE. OLIVER Oliver George Barnes was born August 25, 1920 in Chapman Twp., the son of William ...
Barton, Oliver George
Bates, Emerson
There was a Darel Baxter living in Novel, a labourer in 1945 where he was also found through ...
Baxter, Daril
Bell, Robert Angus
Clifford Edward Bennett, the son of Edward and Lila (Truax) Bennett was born October 17, 1909 died August ...
Bennet, Clifford Edward
Benn, Gordon
Benn, Horace
Best, David Samuel William
BIRCH, JOHN (AIR FORCE – DECEASED) John James Birch was born May 5, 1920 in Trout Creek, the ...
Birch, John James
Bird, Robert Henry
Bird, William John
Blackburn, Meyer Roy
Black, Eldon
BLACKMORE, ALLEN Allen Blackmore was born June 1, 1921 in Ryerson Township, the son of James R. Blackmore ...
Blackmore, Allen
Blackmore, Leslie Norman
BLACKMORE, RAYMOND No information has been found regarding the service of Raymond Blackmore.
Blackmore, Raymond
Blair, John Auguste
BLANEY, PTE. HARVEY Harvey appears to have continued to live in the Magnetawan area according to the 1974 ...
Blaney, Harvey
Blaney, John
Blaney, Reginald
Blezard, John Albert
Boettger, Hugh Lewis
Boettger, Orma Boettger
Boettger, William Ulrich
Bond, Ernie
BORNE, EDWARD Edward Gordon ‘Teddy’ Borne was born August 4, 1924 at Midlothian in Ryerson Twp., the son ...
Borne, Edward Gordon
BORNE, ROBERT Robert Borne was born December 16, 1922 in Ryerson Twp., the son of Jogn George Borne ...
Borne, Robert
Borrow, Charles
BORROW, FRED Fred Borrow was born about 1906, the son of John and Mary (Layloc) Borrow. He married ...
Borrow, Fred
Bosley, Arthur Francis
BOTHAM, JOHN Jack Crossman understands that Norm was not in WWII – too young. Rather he was in ...
Botham, John
BOTHAM, NORM No information regarding the service of Norm Botham has been found at time of writing.
Botham, Norm
Botham, William John 'Jack'
Bottrell, Harold
Bottrell, Lorne
Brandt, Harold Basil
Waldemar ‘Wally’ Brant Ser.# 106 530 264 Wally was born November, 1937 in Russia (Ukraine). He enlisted in ...
Brant, Waldemar "Wally" and Beverly "Betty" Anne
Brear, Donald James
Brear, Edward Francis
Brear, Gerald Edward
Brear, Len
Bresolin, Lionel
Bridgewater, Thomas Charles Carlton
Broderick, Francis "Frank" Robert
Broderick, Gideon
BROWNELL, EARL At time of writing no information is available to confirm Earl’s service. While on the list ...
Brownell, Earl
Brownless, Sid
Brownley, Ronald Basil
Brumpton, Herb
BRYANT, GORDON Gordon Bryant was born October 22, 1938, the son of Elmer and Janet Edna (Simpson) Bryant. ...
Bryant, Gordon
Buchanan, Anthony Arthur
Buchanan, Arthur Jonathon
Buchanan, Thomas
Bush, Harry 'Henry' Edward
Bush, James Arthur
Bush, William
Butler, Arthur
Butler, George
Byron, Cecil
Byron, Frederick Harry
BYRON, PTE J. John Byron was born about 1915 in Magnetawan, the son of John and Emma Lucy ...
Byron, John
CAMPBELL, CLIFF At time of writing no information regarding the Service of Cliff Campbell is available.
Campbell, Cliff
Canning, Kenneth T.
Cargill, Orval
Cargill, William Charles
Carlton, Ernest
CARLTON, FRED Frederick ‘Fred’ Carlton was born April 7, 1919, the son of Frederick Hanlan and Satah Jane ...
Carlton, Frederick
CARLTON, VINCENT Vincent Carlton was born March 19, 1917 at Balsam, Hagerman Twp., son of Frederick Hanlan and ...
Carlton, Vincent
Cawthra, David Arland
Cawthra, George Rodson
Cheeseborough, Christopher
CLARK, ARTHUR GEORGE There was an Carl Clark born March 19, 1920 in Sprucedale, the son of Samuel ...
Clark, Arthur George
CLARK, HERBERT No information regarding Herbert Clark has been found at time of writing.
Clark, Herbert
CLARK, JOHN No information regarding John Clark has been found at time of writing.
Clark, John
Clavir, Benjamin Louis
Clelland, Alexander Brown
CLELLAND, F/O CLARENCE Clarence Clelland was born July 8, 1915 at Maple Island, son of Frances Clelland. Clarence ...
Clelland, Clarence
Clelland, Stanley 'Stan'
Clelland, Thomas Larry
Clewlow, Art
Coombes, Arthur George
Coombes, William Charles
CORRY, PTE. GLADYS CWAC - CANADIAN WOMEN’S ARMY CORP Gladys Greta Bernice Corry was born March 9, 1925 ...
Corry, Gladys Greta Bernice
Courvoisier, George Robert Alfred
COURVOISIER, PTE. WILFRED Wilfred was a brother of George and was born August 24, 1916. On June 25, ...
Courvoisier, Wilfred Clarence
Craft, William John
Craig, Arnold
Craig, Aubrey
Craig, Frederick
Craig, James Edward
Craig, William James