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144 Gibson Avenue, Yuba City, CA 95991
(530) 671-4373
(530) 671-4352

Butchie's Pool in Yuba City is an indoor, warm-water swimming pool for people with disabilities or health problems of many kinds. A doctor's prescription is required. Audrey Stricker explained the history of Butchie's Pool in the November 11, 2009, edition of her "Viewpoint" column in the Territorial Dispatch:

Butchie Montna, son of Norma and Larry Montna, was born with a developmental disability. Because of his love of swimming, Butchie's Pool was established in 1979 as a memorial to this special young man who, at the age of 16, died in a tragic automobile accident caused by a drunk driver.
Originally built as an outdoor pool to benefit young people with disabilities, the pool, today, has grown far beyond its original purpose—and is now an indoor, year-round, warm-water facility, serving people in all walks of life with a wide variety of health needs.
A current physician's prescription for water therapy at Butchie's Pool is the only requirement and monthly fees are based on a sliding scale.


March: Butchie's Pool St. Patrick's Day Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner June: Butchie's Pool Chili Cook-Off November: Butchie's Pool Holiday Craft and Bake Sale

