Forty Mile Road is a street that leads between Ostrom Road (in Ostrom) and the intersection of Wheatland Road and Pleasant Grove Road (halfway between Wheatland and Rio Oso). It was widened to four lanes in 2000-2001 to accommodate increased traffic when the Sleep Train Amphitheatre was built. Cotton Rosser and his family, who own 40 acres on the west side of the road and an additional 37 acres on the east side, were embroiled in a legal dispute with Yuba County and real estate developer Frank Arciero, Sr., from 1999 to 2001 because the Rossers felt they were not offered adequate compensation for the 2.4-acre portion of their ranch that was turned into roadway. They settled in 2001 for an undisclosed amount of money.
The Olivehurst 30-Mile Bike Loop follows Forty Mile Road between Ostrom Road and Plumas Arboga Road.
"Road Dispute Settled: Rosser, Yuba County Agree on Land Price" by Harold Kruger, Appeal-Democrat, February 16, 2001 "Rosser Family Feels Lost in Hoopla Over Projects" by Harold Kruger, Appeal-Democrat, March 15, 2000